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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RSLogix Emulate messages

The following is a description of many of the most common messages that can come from RSLogix Emulate 5 and RSLogix Emulate 500. If you get a message that is not listed here and you can't determine what you should do, call Rockwell Software Technical Support.

"This SLC500 program must be compiled before it can be emulated."

SLC 500 programs are compiled before downloading to processors. Use your ladder logic editor to compile the SLC 500 program before trying to emulate it.

"OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version."

RSLogix Emulate was unable to initialize the OLE subsystem of Windows. You may need to reinstall Windows.

"This SLC OS is not currently supported."

The ladder logic project you are loading was compiled for an SLC 500 operating system that is not currently supported in RSLogix Emulate. Either recompile the logic for an earlier series and revision of the SLC 500, or contact Rockwell Software for a newer version of RSLogix Emulate.

"File Is Not SLC500"

RSLogix Emulate is unable to recognize the ladder logic file you are opening as a SLC 500 ladder logic file. Either the file is corrupt or it never was intended to be a ladder logic file.

"File is corrupt (bad data file, program file, or data file count)"

RSLogix Emulate detected corruption in your ladder logic file. Recompile the ladder logic and try again.

"The copy protection for RSLogix Emulate 500 (or RSLogix Emulate 5) cannot be found. This application does not have a DEMO mode, therefore, you will not be able to run this program without copy protection."

The copy protection system for the software has failed. Either the copy protection was never installed, or the protection files have been compromised in some way. You need to install the software according to the directions that came with it, or contact Rockwell Software Technical Support for assistance.

"Start Value Out of Range"

The value for the start rung cannot exceed the number of rungs in the program.

"Destination station X is a duplicate"

The station number you entered has to be unique -- just as if you were working with a Data Highway Plus or Data Highway 485 network.

"Destination station must be specified"

You need to specify a destination station number. The number must be unique.

"Main File Must Be Ladder"

You cannot set the main program file to be anything other than a ladder logic file.

"Debug File Must Be Ladder"

You cannot set the debug program file to be anything other than a ladder logic file.

"Invalid Customer Registration Information, Verify the Program Installation."

Make sure you have installed RSLogix Emulate correctly. If you still get this error, call Rockwell Software Technical Support for assistance.

"The maximum number of users has been reached. See your network administrator."

On a network installation of RSLogix Emulate, there is a maximum number of people who can use the software at any given time. Check with your network administrator to make sure that there are not too many people using the software -- if there are, you may need to purchase additional RSLogix Emulate licenses. If there are not too many people using the software at one time, there may be a problem with the installation.

"This Program contains an unsupported instruction X in file Y rung Z"

RSLogix Emulate detected an instruction it did not understand at the specified program file and rung number. You may need a newer version of RSLogix Emulate, or your ladder logic program may be corrupt.

"Station number out of range (0-31) (or 0-77 octal)"

Data Highway 485 station numbers are limited to 0-31. Data Highway Plus station numbers are limited to 0-77 (octal). Enter a station number in that range.

"The Trend file address is invalid"

The trend file you are trying to use with your project contains an address that is not in your ladder logic project.

"The Trend file address type is invalid, or doesn't match the processor"

The trend file you are trying to use with your project contains an address type that is invalid for the SLC 500 model you are using.

"The Trend file is larger than the destination can hold"

You are trying to read in a trend file that is too large. You can edit the trend file to make it smaller.

"Record number out of range"

You asked for a trend file record that is not in the trend file.

"OLE 2.01 initialization failed"

RSLogix Emulate was unable to initialize the OLE subsystem of Windows. You may need to reinstall Windows.

"Main File Value Out of range (2-255)"

You tried to enter a main file number outside the range available for SLC 500 processors.

"Debug File Value Out of range (2-255) or 0 to Disable"

You tried to enter a debug file number outside the range available for SLC 500 processors.

"File Number out of range (2-255)"

The file number in question is outside the range available for SLC 500 processors.

"File Doesn't exist"

The file number you entered does not exist.

"File Must be LADDER"

The file number you entered is not a ladder logic file.

"Invalid Rung Number"

The rung number you entered does not exist in your ladder logic program.

"Rung Number is out of range (0-X)"

The rung number you entered does not exist in your program file.

"DH station and Emulation station must NOT be the SAME"

RSLogix Emulate and each emulated ladder logic project must have a unique station number.

"An Unknown Fault Has Occurred"

RSLogix Emulate experienced a fault that it does not recognize. Call Rockwell Software Technical Support for assistance.

"An attempt was made to execute an invalid Program file"

RSLogix Emulate tried to execute your project, but found a program file that it could not interpret. Either the program file is corrupt (in which case you should recompile your project), or you need a newer version of RSLogix Emulate (in which case you should call Rockwell Software Technical Support).

"An attempt was made to execute an invalid Opcode"

RSLogix Emulate tried to execute your project, but found an instruction that it could not interpret. Either the program file is corrupt (in which case you should recompile your project), or you need a newer version of RSLogix Emulate (in which case you should call Rockwell Software Technical Support).

"An Invalid direct instruction parameter was decoded"

RSLogix Emulate tried to execute your project, but found an instruction that contained an address it could not interpret. Either the program file is corrupt (in which case you should recompile your project), or you need a newer version of RSLogix Emulate (in which case you should call Rockwell Software Technical Support).

"An Indexed address was out of range"

The result of processing an indirect address resulted in a direct address that does not exist in the ladder logic project. This is a major fault. Use boundary tests before executing instructions containing indirect addresses.

"A File POS value was out of range"

A file address using a position word (.POS) was out of range -- the position specified for the file does not exist. This is a major fault. Use boundary tests to help trap this condition.

"A File LEN value was out of range"

A file address using a length word (.LEN) was out of range -- the length specified for the file does not exist. This is a major fault. Use boundary tests to help trap this condition.

"A NEGATIVE Timer Accum value was encountered"

A timer accumulator value (.ACC) was set to a negative value. This is a major fault. If you are writing values into a timer accumulator address, use boundary tests to make sure you are not writing a negative value.

"Rung contains too many nested branches"

Nested branches may be only eight levels deep. Exceeding eight levels deep faults the processor.

"A Breakpoint was executed"

A breakpoint you set executed, halting program execution.

"The Watch Dog Timer (S28) has timed out"

This is a major fault. The ladder logic project has taken too long to execute. You can adjust how RSLogix Emulate handles the watchdog timer in the Emulation Settings dialog.

"Too many nested subroutine calls (8 MAX)"

You can nest only up to eight subroutine calls. Any more than that results in a major fault.

"No LBL was found for a JMP instruction"

Your ladder logic contains a jump (JMP) instruction for which there is no label instruction (LBL). This results in a major fault.

"Minor Fault was set at end of scan"

A minor fault bit was set at the end of the program scan. This results in a major fault. You may need to test for and correct minor faults in your ladder logic.

"Invalid presets loaded to HSC"

There is a high-speed counter (HSC) instruction in your ladder logic with invalid presets. This results in a major fault.

"Index address outside of data file space"

An indexed address resulted in a direct address outside of the currently defined data table. This is a major fault. You may need to perform boundary tests to make sure your indexed addresses are valid before executing instructions involving them.

"Indirect element reference exceeds data file length"

An indirect address element resulted in a direct address outside of the currently defined data table. This is a major fault. You may need to perform boundary tests to make sure your indirect addresses are valid before executing instructions involving them.

"Indirect subelement reference of I/O slot does not exist"

A reference to an I/O address made indirectly results in a slot number that does not exist. This is a major fault. You may need to perform boundary tests to make sure your indirect addresses are valid before executing instructions involving them.

"The Ladder file you are trying to emulate is corrupt. There is no status file(data file 2). Use your Ladder Editor to fix the corrupted file."

The ladder logic file you are trying to emulate contains no status file. You will need to create one using your ladder logic editor before you can emulate the file.

"Unable to open COMx for Channel 0 Emulation "

The COM port you selected for Channel 0 emulation is currently being used by another software package or device. Choose another COM port.

"No NXT was found for a FOR instruction"

There was a Next instruction (NXT) without a corresponding For instruction (FOR). This is a major fault.

"An INDEXED (S24) Address was outside the file limits"

An indirect address resulted in a direct address outside of the currently defined data table. This is a major fault. You may need to perform boundary tests to make sure your indirect addresses are valid before executing instructions involving them.

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