To work with breakpoints , click Ladder > Breakpoints.
Breakpoints are defined by file number, rung number, whether the rung should be true or false, and the number of times the rung is true or false (Count).
Setting breakpoints
To set a breakpoint:
- Click Ladder > Breakpoints. The software displays the Breakpoints dialog.
- Click Add New.
- In the File field, type the number of the ladder file in which you want to set the breakpoint.
- In the Rung field, type the number of the rung for which you want to set the breakpoint.
- In the Count field, type the number of scans you want to occur with the rung in the state you select. For instance, if you want to "hit the breakpoint when the rung is true for 40 scans, type 40 in the Count field.
Note This doesn't mean the rung must scan with the same condition consecutively. For instance, if you set a TRUE breakpoint with a count of 40 on a rung that goes true once per minute, the breakpoint would hit after 40 minutes.
- From the list box under the Count field, select the state you want to examine with the breakpoint. For instance, if you want to count when the rung is true, select TRUE.
when the rung is true
when the rung is false
when the rung is scanned, regardless of the state of the rung
Rungs are considered TRUE when there is logical continuity from the beginning of the rung to at least one output. The examples below show how some rungs are assessed by RSLogix Emulate. The gray squares indicate which instructions evaluate as true.
- Click Save. The software moves the breakpoint into the breakpoint list.
Editing breakpoints
To edit a breakpoint:
- Click the breakpoint you want to edit.
- Click Edit. The software moves the parameters for the breakpoint into the fields at the right of the dialog.
- Edit the breakpoint's parameters. When you are through editing, click Save to save the changes.
Enabling and disabling breakpoints
You can disable breakpoints so that they are still in place, but will not stop program execution. To do this, click the breakpoint you want to disable, and click Toggle. The active/inactive state of the breakpoint is shown in the state column in the breakpoint list: A indicates an active breakpoint, and I indicates an inactive breakpoint.
Deleting breakpoints
To delete a breakpoint, click on the breakpoint you want to delete, then click Delete. The breakpoint is deleted.
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