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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Emulator operations

This help topic will orient you to how RSLogix Emulate software works and the operations you can perform with it.

Before you emulate projects

Before you emulate your projects, you should understand how RSLogix Emulate software works and what it can do. While the software behaves like a programmable logic controller most of the time, there are also some things the software does not do. You need to be aware of the limitations of the software before trying to emulate your logic.

Basic operations

There are several basic operations associated with using the software:

Advanced operations

Some advanced emulator operations are:
  • Debug operations, which allow you to simulate using I/O with your program
  • Channel 0 emulation, which allows you to simulate operations that involve using Channel 0 with serial communication devices
  • Data Highway emulation, which allows you to emulate using a SLC-500 processor on a Data Highway Plus network.
  • Breakpoints, which allow you to stop program emulation under certain program conditions that you specify
  • Playing trends, which allows you to "play back" a record of your process' activity through the software

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