The Emulation Settings dialog allows you to modify how the emulator scans your ladder logic files, even while the emulator is scanning. To get to this dialog, click Settings > Emulation.
Main file settings
This field or control:
Does this:
Main File #
Indicates the ladder logic file from which the scan starts. During a program scan the main file and any subroutines called by the main file and any nested subroutine files are executed.
Default = 2 |
Start Rung
Indicates the first rung in the main file to be scanned. A rung number of 0 starts the scan from the beginning.
Default = 0 |
End Rung
Indicates the last rung to be scanned. The rung number for this field IS scanned. To scan one rung, set the start and end numbers to the number of the rung you want to scan. Setting the end rung to -1 sets the software to scan to the end of the file.
Default = -1 |
Debug file settings
The debug file is scanned after each scan of the main file. The debug file contains any ladder logic you want to use to simulate the expected input response to the normal program output conditions. For example, a you could use FAL, MOV, or SQO instruction in the debug file to step an expected input sequence through the data table to test your desired output results.
A debug file is not required to operate the software. The default value for the Debug File field is 0 , indicating no debug file is selected. Any other number MUST be a valid Ladder file. No SFC or CAR files can be used. The ladder file may be empty although this would have the same effect as using a file number of 0.
This field or control:
Does this:
Debug File #
Indicates the ladder logic file you want to use as a debug file.
Default = 0 |
Start Rung
Indicates the first rung of the debug file to be executed during the debug scan.
Default = 0 |
End Rung
The end field indicates the last rung of the debug file to be scanned. To scan one rung, set the start and end numbers to the number of the rung you want to scan. Setting the end rung to -1 sets the software to scan to the end of the file.
Default = -1 |
Data Highway Plus settings
This field or control:
Does this:
Station #
Indicates the Data Highway Plus station address you want the software to take. Note that this is not a physical address -- it is used so the communications software can identify and display the emulated processor.
Restore Mode on Startup
If this box is checked, the selected file will resume execution in the last mode it was in when the program is started. If the box is not checked, each file will be placed in Halt mode on startup.
This field or control:
Does this:
The priority setting is a relative value, indicating the amount of time spent in a scan before control is yielded to another application. Setting this value higher will cause a shorter overall scan time but may cause the system to be sluggish. Setting this value to a lower value will extend the overall scan time but should cause the system to be more responsive.
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