Once you have created an OPC node for the emulator, you can add tags from your logic project to your RSView32 tag database. To do this:
- Open your RSView32 project.
- In your project’s System folder, open the Tag Database editor.
- In the Data Source section of the Tag Database editor, click Device.
- Click the button next to the Node Name field. This displays the Node Browser. Select the OPC node you created for the emulator and click OK.
- In the Tag section of the Tag Database editor, select the type of tag you want to create from the Type list.
- In the Data Source section of the Tag Database editor, click the button next to the Address field. This displays the OPC Address Browser.
- In the OPC Address Browser, select the address you want to use with the tag and click OK.
- Finish creating the tag by filling in the fields in the Tag Database editor:
For this field or control:
Set or enter:
The name of the tag you want to create.
If you have set up security for your RSView32 project, set the security class associated with the tag.
Type a description of the tag (optional).
The minimum value for the tag (as used in RSView32).
The maximum value for the tag (as used in RSView32).
A scaling value for the tag.
A value to add to the tag.
The units for the tag.
Data Type
Select the data type for the tag.
- Click Accept. The tag is stored in the tag database. You can now use the tag in your RSView32 project.
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