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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Configuring a tag in RSView32

Once you have created an OPC node for the emulator, you can add tags from your logic project to your RSView32 tag database. To do this:
  1. Open your RSView32 project.
  2. In your project’s System folder, open the Tag Database editor.
  3. In the Data Source section of the Tag Database editor, click Device.
  4. Click the button next to the Node Name field. This displays the Node Browser. Select the OPC node you created for the emulator and click OK.
  5. In the Tag section of the Tag Database editor, select the type of tag you want to create from the Type list.
  6. In the Data Source section of the Tag Database editor, click the button next to the Address field. This displays the OPC Address Browser.
  7. In the OPC Address Browser, select the address you want to use with the tag and click OK.
  1. Finish creating the tag by filling in the fields in the Tag Database editor:
For this field or control:
Set or enter:
The name of the tag you want to create.
If you have set up security for your RSView32 project, set the security class associated with the tag.
Type a description of the tag (optional).
The minimum value for the tag (as used in RSView32).
The maximum value for the tag (as used in RSView32).
A scaling value for the tag.
A value to add to the tag.
The units for the tag.
Data Type
Select the data type for the tag.
  1. Click Accept. The tag is stored in the tag database. You can now use the tag in your RSView32 project.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Creating a communications node in an RSView32 project

To create a communications node in RSView32 that uses the OPC topic for the emulator:
1. Open your RSView32 project.
2. In your project’s System folder, open the Node editor. In RSView32, a node represents a communications device, usually a programmable controller or another Windows application. In the Node editor, we will create a node that represents the emulator.
3. Set up the Node editor window as shown in the following table.

For this field or control:
Set or enter:
Data Source
OPC Server
Enter a name for the node (representing the emulator). This can be the name of the emulator, if you like.
Make sure this check box is selected.
Click the button next to the Server Name field. If the emulator is running on the same computer as RSView32, select RSLinx OPC Server. Otherwise, select RSLinx Remote OPC Server.
If the emulator is running on the same computer as RSView32, select
In-Process. Otherwise, select Remote and enter the name of the computer running the emulator in the Server Computer Name or Address field.
Access Path
Leave this blank.
Update Rate
This defaults to 1.000 seconds (one update per second). If you need a faster or slower update rate, enter the update frequency.

4. Click Accept. This saves the node configuration.
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